Latest e-edition of The Round Tower sent to members and update of final 2024 tour

The latest edition of the Society’s quarterly magazine, The Round Tower, has been posted and emailed to members.

If you’d like to receive the e-edition in future, please let the editor know.

Almost a tenth of the Round Tower Churches Society’s members joined the final tour of the current season on Saturday, September 7. More than 50 members and visitors were also briefed on plans to re-thatch the nave and chancel at St Lawrence, Ingworth, near Aylsham.

The Society, which awarded £5,000 towards the total cost of thatching, heard that the immediate challenge was to re-thatch the tower and the porch, which needed urgent attention before the winter. In addition, the Norfolk Churches Trust has pledged £10,000 towards the project, which is set to cost in the region of £40,000.

Earlier, the committee had heard that membership had dipped slightly to just under 500 but seven members had joined since May.

The Society has continued to enjoy generous support from members in the last quarter to August, donations of £2,139 had been received on top of the £2,834 paid in subscriptions.

This has enabled grants of £51,000 to be offered to 14 round tower churches to carry out repairs. In total this year, the Society has paid £12,000 in grants to churches including £4,000 to St Peter, Haveringland and £4,000 towards the re-thatching at Taverham.

On the final September tour, members then visited St Peter & St Paul, Tuttington, and then to St Peter, Brampton, where volunteers provided tea and refreshments.

Latest grants – The Society made two more grants – £500 to St John the Baptist, Lound, towards conservation of a St Christopher wall painting, and £3,000 to St Mary, Brome, to defray part of the £25,000 cost of replacement guttering, drain pipes and other rainwater goods.

To obtain future quarterly e-editions and save the Society postage, contact the editor – All requests will be acknowledged.