How to join the Round Tower Churches Society
Membership costs £20* per year or £30 for joint membership. All members receive the Society’s quarterly magazine, The Round Tower. The 32-page, full-colour magazine is sent to members. An increasing number choose to receive the e-edition, which cuts postage costs.
Send an email to the membership secretary – wigjter@outlook.com
Bank details – Account name: Round Tower Churches Society. Sort code: 53 81 16 Account: 04331915 (include name in reference)
Or set up an annual payment. Most members pay more than the £20* minimum. (*Overseas members £30 minimum)
Gift Aid
Help the Society claim Gift Aid if you pay UK tax.
Please confirm in your email, this statement. I (your name) wish the Round Tower Churches Society to treat all donations which I may make from this date as Gift Aid donations.
Your subscription
Direct bank payment, with name/ membership number, is the most cost effective.
Round Tower Churches Society Sort code: 53 81 16 Account: 04331915 (include name in reference)
Subscriptions/ renewals
Pay direct to the Society’s bank – and set up an annual payment
Include your name with payment reference.
By post
Send a cheque payable to – Round Tower Churches Society.
Write to the membership secretary, Fir Tree Cottage, High Road, Witnesham, Ipswich IP6 9EX with your name, address and email.
Gift Aid
Help the Society claim Gift Aid if you pay UK tax.
Please include this signed statement.
I (your name) wish the Round Tower Churches Society to treat all donations which I may make from this date as Gift Aid donations.
I/we wish to join the Round Tower Churches Society
Name . . .
Address . . .
Email . . . . .