Headlines from the latest edition of The Round Tower

Welcome to the latest edition of The Round Tower. The June edition of the 32-page full colour magazine includes features –

a double-page spread on the dedication of the new Coronation Gates at Burnham Norton Church

Four cyclists tackling a 261-mile route, the Wolf Way, in Suffolk

the tallest round tower churches

a new book, Stories in Glass by David King

Full reports on the Society’s latest annual meeting

Front cover – Stuart Bowell, chairman, with the secretary  ‘Lyn Stilgoe, hold the special cake marking the renewed patronage of the Society by The King.

Photograph: Michael Pollitt.

Eagle-eye readers may notice that on page 11, the church featured is actually Forncett St Peter and not Rollesby. Also, on page nine, the line-up of the intrepid cyclists on the Wolf Way should include Tim Morgan, David Faulkner, Dr Pete Lawson and Seamus Elliot.

Electronic copies of the latest e-edition were emailed to subscribers – if your copy has not arrived, please contact the editor Michael Pollitt on michaelbpollitt@btinternet.com